Slynyrd Pixelblog - 41 - Isometric Pixel art (2022)

This whole blog looks great. Earlier posts have studies on NES Metroid and Castlevania!

The Untold Unix Story by DJ Ware (2022)

I love Unix history. This whole channel seems generally Linux-interesting. Lions’ book is around in many forms:


A collection of random tools and scripts I came across in apt. Kind of like moreutils.


Coloured diff output with side-by-side linked pagers, looks good.

Keep cursor line vertically centered in vim

Saw a tip to try this, achieved with set scrolloff=999

gitignore binary files that have no extension

This is my default gitignore now.

Optimizing web servers for high throughput and low latency (2017)

Great overview of this with lots of good links to follow.

How I Slack (2022)

We’re moving to Slack at work, this will be useful.

C23 implications for C libraries (2022)

Jens has finished the earlier version of the draft. Hurry up GCC.

“Uptime of 15,364 days - The Computers of Voyager” hy Aaron Cummings (2019)

Another great Strange Loop conferencw talk. This guy doesn’t even work for NASA or JPL, he’s just a fan. That’s awesome!

sds - Simple Dynamic Strings (2014-present)

A C string library written by the same author as Redis.

Interesting as it allocates the length of the string before the pointer which is returned, so the string functions know the length, but you can also pass an sds string to any of the regular string I/O functions.

Most string libraries include this in the returned pointer, like struct mystring { size_t len; char *str; );

One Thing Well

A list of programs which follow the Unix philosophy of doing one thing and doing it well.

This page is a 300+ page Tumblr blog, which is a bit of a read. At least it has tags.

NormConf (2022)

I’m not entirely sure what “NormCore” is, but this online-only set of talks about “boring mid-level Data Science” happened. Ones I enjoyed:

Don’t Call Yourself A Programmer, And Other Career Advice (2011)

tl;dr - Communicate well, when talking about job worth (eg: hiring) describe your achievements by the value they added, not the tech stack.

Comic Neue

Using Comic Sans in some other project for lulz, came across this OFL reimagining of it.

Signed integer overflow is now defined behaviour in C23
